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Scholarship Program


The Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii Foundation promotes the pursuit of higher

education by awarding scholarship grants to deserving Hawaii high school seniors.

Amount of Scholarships

The Chamber's Scholarship Program is funded from the proceeds of the Filipino Chamber

of Commerce of Hawaii Foundation Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. Scholarships are

subject to availability of funds.


  1. Applicant must be a Hawaii resident.
  2. Applicant must be a high school senior graduating in 2025 with a current GPA of at least 3.5 and above (through the 1st semester of 2024-2025)
  3. Applicant must be accepted to a four -year college or university.
  4. Applicant must provide 3 letters of recommendation.
  5. Applicant must complete the application and provide ALL required documents by the stated deadline. The Scholarship Judges reserve the right to request supplemental materials from any applicant.

Selection Criteria

The Scholarship Judges' decision will be based on the applicant's academic record,

community service activities, awards, and honors, and a one-page short essay. Please note the

one-page limitation for the essay is strictly enforced. All decisions by the Scholarship Judges are



If selected as a Scholarship Recipient, the Applicant agrees to attend the Awards Dinner on Friday, March 28, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Ewa Beach Golf Club. Additionally, in

compliance with the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii Foundation’s scholarship

requirements, the Scholarship Recipient will provide updates on their academic achievements and strive to contribute to and attend the FCCH Foundation’s future events.


The completed application and all supporting documents must be RECEIVED (not

postmarked) in the Filipino Chamber Foundation's Post Office Box no later than 5:00PM on Friday, March 14, 2025. Please use the following address: P.O. Box 1572, Honolulu, HI 96806.

2025 FCCHF Scholarship Application

FCCHF Scholarship 2025 Application 020425.pdf

Questions? Please contact:

Stephanie Chung, DNP - Chair, Scholarship Committee: spennyc808@gmail.com, (808) 221-6212

Melody Calisay, Ph.D. – FCCH President: melodycalisay@gmail.com, (808) 224-9535

70 years of promoting business in Hawaii

The Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii’s 70-year history dates back to a time when a group of Filipino businessmen - civic minded and fueled with the desire to unite the then fledgling Filipino business community - met in 1947. Today, FCCH represents a growing influence of changemakers in Hawaii, and in the Filipino diaspora.


Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii

  • P.O. Box 1572, Honolulu, HI 96806
  • filipinochamber@gmail.com
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