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The FILIPINO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF HAWAII FOUNDATION, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, is the charitable and educational arm of the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii. The Foundation organizes an annual golf tournament to raise scholarship funds and organizes cultural events to help perpetuate the Filipino culture in Hawaii. More details coming soon...

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70 years of promoting business in Hawaii

The Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii’s 70-year history dates back to a time when a group of Filipino businessmen - civic minded and fueled with the desire to unite the then fledgling Filipino business community - met in 1947. Today, FCCH represents a growing influence of changemakers in Hawaii, and in the Filipino diaspora.


Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii

  • P.O. Box 1572, Honolulu, HI 96806
  • filipinochamber@gmail.com
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